Welcome to Carol Dunn Art!

Welcome to Little River Studio & Gallery! Artwork, classes and more from artist Carol Dunn.

I hope you enjoy viewing my artwork. Click the contact button to get my phone number or to send an email. Also click on Exhibits to find out where you can see my work. I am teaching few classes these days...but you can always ask. Thanks for visiting my site!

Important Note:

Below is just a selection of some of my NEWEST artwork. Click on any image to obtain info about the image, including cost. To see ALL my artwork, click on the Artwork menu on the left, and either select a certain type of work or click on All Artwork.

Change the number of thumbnails to be displayed: 1, 3, 5, 10

"016 Approaching Storm" "017 Passing Storm" "018 Keeper of the Light" "019 Mornings Hush" "020 Sunsets Glow"